Islamic World News أخبار العالم الاسلامي

الجمعة، ٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٧

رضاعة الكبير

رضاعة الكبير

Adult Breast Feeding اقراء الاحزاب 1 وكان بها اية الرجم رضاعة الكبير

سوره النساء ايه 23 و توضح رضاعه الكبير فى القران لقد نزلت آية الرجم ورضاعة الكبير عشرا ولقد كان في صحيفة تحت سريري فلمامات رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏وتشاغلنا بموته دخل ‏داجن فأكلها‏‏ حديث الداجن الذي اكل آية رضاعة الكبير تحت سرير عائشة بعد وفاة رسول الله (ص) طيب اين هذه الاية الان لما لا نراها؟ ... راجع النص الذي حسنه الالباني

مسند أحمد في رضاع الكبير من القرآن

جاءت سهلة بنت سهيل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالت: يا رسول الله! إني أرى في وجه أبي حُذيفة من دخولِ سالمٍ وهو حَليفُهُ. فقال النبي: صلى الله عليه وسلم أرضعيه. قالت: وكيف أرضعه؟ وهو رجلٌ كبير، فتبسم رسول الله؟ وقال: قد عَلمتُ أنه رجلٌ كبير

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ‏ ‏صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ‏ ‏أَرْضِعِيهِ قُلْتُ إِنَّهُ لَذُو لِحْيَةٍ فَقَالَ أَرْضِعِيهِ يَذْهَبْ مَا فِي وَجْهِ اقراءصحيح مسلم 2639 رضاعة الكبير صحيح مسلم كتاب الرضاع

محمد وجد فى منزله رجل يرضع من ثدى عائشه ام المؤمنين فغضب وقال الرضاعه من المجاعه عائشه تامر ام كلثوم بان ترضع من يدخل عليها من الرجال

وَكَانَتْ تَرَاهُ ابْنًا مِنَ الرَّضَاعَةِ فَأَخَذَتْ بِذَلِكَ عَائِشَةُ أُمُّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فِيمَنْ كَانَتْ تُحِبُّ أَنْ يَدْخُلَ عَلَيْهَا مِنَ الرِّجَالِ فَكَانَتْ تَأْمُرُ أُخْتَهَا أُمَّ كُلْثُومٍ بِنْتَ أَبِى بَكْرٍ الصِّدِّيقِ وَبَنَاتِ أَخِيهَا أَنْ يُرْضِعْنَ مَنْ أَحَبَّتْ أَنْ يَدْخُلَ عَلَيْهَا مِنَ الرِّجَالِ

والخلاف بين عائشة وأمهات المؤمنين في تشخيص الوقائع لا في ثبوت إرضاع الكبير شرعًا فرأت عائشة رضي الله عنها أن الخلوة ضرورة لتحصيل العلم والفتوي ورأي أمهات المؤمنين أن الخلوة ليست ضرورية لامكان الاستعانة في تحصيل العلم بقريب من الرضاع أو النسب

لماذ وضع البخارى الرضاع فى باب ال ن ك ا ح ؟ دخل النبى على عائشه فوجد عندها رجل ي رض ع من ث دي ه ا فتغير وجهه أَنَّ عَائِشَةَ زَوْجَ النَّبِيِّ ص أَرْسَلَتْ بِهِ إلَى أُمِّ كُلْثُومٍ أُخْتِهَا بِنْتِ أَبِي بَكْرِ الصِّدِّيقِ وَهِيَ تُرْضِعُ فَقَالَتْ أَرْضِعِيهِ عَشْرَ رَضَعَات

ذكر حكم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في الرضاعة وما يحرم بها وما لا يحرم وحكمه في القدر المحرم منها وحكمه في إرضاع الكبير هل له تأثير أم لا ؟

ثلاث انواع من الرضاعه - فى هذا الحديث تكتشف ان رضاع الكبير كان الرجل يرضع من ثدى المراه، والمراه من المراه والاخطر المراه ترضع ماء الرجل عبد الله بن يزيد اسم الدلع بتاعه رضيع عائشه أستاذ أزهرى: ارضع من زوجة صديقك تدخل بيتة رضاعة الكبير اسمع فضيلة الشيخ العلامه محمد ابن صالح العثيمين يقول الرضاعه معناها التقام الثدى بالفم الشيخ الكبير ابو اسحاق الحوينى يشرح رضاعة الكبير اسمع الألباني : رضاعة الكبير الألباني : رضاع الرجل الكبير من ثدي الإمرأة الأجنبية يجوز لأن الحلمة السوداء لا تثير الشهوة عند المص

هالة سرحان في هالة شو ومناقشة حول فتوى إرضاع السائق والسفرجي والخادم - الجزء الأول

الاسلام احل رضاع الكبير - اني ‏مصصت عن امرأتي من ثديها لبنا فذهب فى بطنى موطأ مالك1115

تعليق وقرائة القمص ذكريا بطرس-على فتاوي رضاعة الكبير التى يناقشها البرلمان المصري لتشريعها والعمل بها بمباركة الازهر

حلقة رضاع الكبير وتعليق متجلي عليها هدية من روم فوتوك نزلوها واستمتعو مع تعليق متجلي رضاعة الكبير علي قناة المحور رضاعة الكبير رضاعة الكبير علي المحور رضاعة الكبير علي المحور

دعونا- نرضع رضاعة الكبير عند الالباني

اسمع رضاع الكبير بصوت الشيخ ابى اسحق الحوينى1 صاحب فتوى إباحة «إرضاع الكبير» في حديث خاص لـ الوطن د. عزت عطية لـ الوطن: لو رضع «كلينتون» من صدر «مونيكا» لأصبحت أخته في الرضاع د. عزت عطية صاحب فتوى إباحة إرضاع الكبير في حديث خاص لـ الوطن اقتراحات بطلبات احاطة برلمانية وجدل داخل الأزهر :: فتوى تبيح للمرأة ارضاع زميل العمل منعاً للخلوة المحرمة فتوى تبيح للمرأة ارضاع زميل العمل منعاً للخلوة المحرمة مجلس الشعب سيناقش رضاع الكبير إرضاع الكبير يكون خمس رضعات وهو يبيح الخلوة ولا يحرم الزواج، وان المرأة في العمل يمكنها أن تخلع الحجاب أو تكشف شعرها أمام من أرضعته، مطالباً توثيق هذا الإرضاع كتابة ورسميًا ويكتب في العقد أن فلانة أرضعت فلانًا

فتوى بـ إ رضاع الكبير تثير جدالاً واسعًا فتوى رضاعة الكبير وتشكيك المتأسلمين فتوى تبيح للمرأة ارضاع زميل العمل منعاً للخلوة المحرمة مص ثدي زميلتك ومن ثُم إغلق الباب أستاذ ورئيس قسم الحديث بكلية أصول الدين الدكتور عزت عطية يطالب بتطبيقه في الجامعة بين الطلاب والطالبات أيضاً للتغلب على مشكلة الاختلاط بينهم - شبكة محيـــط

وزاد عطية أنه لا يطالب فقط بالعمل بالإرضاع في العمل عند اقتضاء الضرورة وإنما في الجامعة بين الطلاب والطالبات أيضاً للتغلب على مشكلة الاختلاط بعد انتشاره بشكل كبير د. عزت عطية صاحب فتوى إباحة إرضاع الكبير في حديث خاص لـ الوطن

جدل في مصر حول فتوى تبيح للمرأة ارضاع زميل العمل:رضاع الكبير لا يحرم الزواج فتوى تبيح للمرأة العاملة إرضاع زميلها منعا للخلوة المحرمة عزت عطية رئيس قسم الحديث بكلية أصول الدين بجامعة الأزهر :: مباح للزميلة في العمل أن ترضع زميلها وأن يتزوجها بعد طلاقها فتوى إرضاع المرأة العاملة لزميلها تثير جدلاً في مصر ارضاع الكبير صناعة اسلامية مباحة فتوى تبيح للمرأة إرضاع زميل العمل منعاً للخلوة المحرمة جدل داخل الأزهر.. واقتراحات بطلبات إحاطة برلمانية

مواجهة منتظرة بين بيومي وجمعة.. فتوى "بول الرسول" و"إرضاع الكبير" تسيطر على اجتماع مجمع البحوث الإسلامية اليوم صحيفة يمنية تتهم خطباء المساجد بتكفيرها لانتقادها فتوى الإرضاع علماء الحديث: رضاعة الكبير فعل فاضح كوميديا فتاوى الرضاع والبول وجناح الذبابه..عرض مستمر رضاعة الكبير حقيقة Breastfeeding okay for co-eds, Islamic expert says. Little Man(breast feeding clip) حقائق الدين: بين البول المقدس والنخامة ورضاع الكبير

أقرأ عن رضاعه الكبير –المسلمون بدؤا في تنفيذها بمناسبه رمضان.. جريده الأخبار أعلى نسبة ارتداد عن الإسلام بسبب موضوع رضاع الكبير

مالك1297 - فاخذت بذلك‏ ‏عائشه ام المؤمنين ‏فيمن كانت تحب ان يدخل عليها من الرجال فكانت تامر اختها ‏ام كلثوم بنت ابى بكر الصديق ‏‏وبنات اخيها ان يرضعن من احبت ان يدخل عليها من الرجال

عَنْ صَفِيَّةَ بِنْتِ أَبِي عُبَيْدٍ أَنَّهَا أَخْبَرَتْهُ أَنَّ حَفْصَةَ أُمَّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَرْسَلَتْ عَاصِمَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ إلَى أُخْتِهَا فَاطِمَةَ بِنْتِ عُمَرَ تُرْضِعُهُ عَشْرَ رَضَعَاتٍ لِيَدْخُلَ عَلَيْهَا أَنَّهَا أَخْبَرَتْهُ أَنَّ حَفْصَةَ أُمَّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَرْسَلَتْ عَاصِمَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ إلَى أُخْتِهَا فَاطِمَةَ بِنْتِ عُمَرَ تُرْضِعُهُ عَشْرَ رَضَعَاتٍ لِيَدْخُلَ عَلَيْهَا وَهُوَ صَغِيرٌ فَفَعَلَتْ، فَكَانَ يَدْخُلُ عَلَيْهَا‏ أَنَّهَا أَخْبَرَتْهُ أَنَّ حَفْصَةَ أُمَّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَرْسَلَتْ عَاصِمَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ إلَى أُخْتِهَا فَاطِمَةَ بِنْتِ عُمَرَ تُرْضِعُهُ عَشْرَ رَضَعَاتٍ لِيَدْخُلَ عَلَيْهَا باب في الرضاع ( قال الشافعي ) : أخبرنا مالك عن ابن شهاب عن عروة بن الزبير{ أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أمر سهلة ابنة سهيل أن ترضع سالما خمس رضعات فيحرم بهن } ( قال الشافعي ) :أخبرنا مالك عن عبد الله بن أبي بكر بن محمد بن عمرو بن حزم عن عمرة عن عائشة أنها : قالت كان فيما أنزل الله في القرآن عشر رضعات معلومات يحرمن " ثم نسخن بخمس معلومات فتوفي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهن مما يقرأ من القرآن وَمِنْ طَرِيقِ مَالِكٍ عَنْ نَافِعٍ عَنْ صَفِيَّةَ بِنْتِ أَبِي عُبَيْدٍ أَنَّهَا أَخْبَرَتْهُ أَنَّ حَفْصَةَأُمَّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَرْسَلَتْ عَاصِمَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ إلَى أُخْتِهَا فَاطِمَةَ بِنْتِ عُمَرَ تُرْضِعُهُ عَشْرَ رَضَعَاتٍ لِيَدْخُلَ عَلَيْهَا أخبرنا مالك عن نافع عن صفية بنت أبي عبيد أنها أخبرته أن حفصة أم المؤمنين رضى الله تعالى عنه أرسلت بعاصم بن عبد الله بن سعد إلى أختها فاطمة بنت عمر ترضعه عشر رضعات ليدخل عليها وهو صغير يرضع ففعلت فكان يدخل عليها

امراه تخرج ثدييها للرسول والرسول يصلي عليها... والعياذ بالله اخبار رضاعة الكبير في العالم الاسلامي (.) (.) Global Islamic Adult Breast Feeding News صوره عائشة لرضاع الكبيير بجريده اخبار اليوم المصري

.د/عبد المهدى عن حديث رضاع الكبير ان الحديث صحيح فى اعلى درجات الصحه ولاينكره منصف بل ان الحديث فى عين الباحثين وسام شرف على صدر مدرسة الاسلام وصوره علميه رائعه فى عالم السنه النبويه

شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية و رضاعة الكبير: إن حديث سهلة -رضي الله عنها- رخصة لمن لا يستغنى عن دخوله على المرأة ويشق احتجابها عنه كحال سالم مع امرأة أبي حذيفة

وطرب ابن تيمية على نغم هذه الفتوى، فقال
" ليس حديث سهلة السابق- بمنسوخ ولا مخصوص بسالم ولا عام في حق كل أحد وإنما هو رخصة لمن كان حاله مثل حال سالم مع أبي حذيفة وأهله في عدم الاستغناء عن دخولـه على أهله مع انتفاء الريبة، ومثل هذه الحاجة تعرض للناس في كل زمان. فكم من بيت كريم يثق ربه برجل من أهله أو من خدمه قد جرب أمانته وعفته وصدقه معه، فيحتاج إلى إدخاله على امرأته وإلى جعله معها في سفر، فإذا أمكن صلته به وبها بجعله ولدا لهما في الرضاعة بشرب شيء من لبنها مراعاة لظاهر أحكام الشرع مع عدم الإخلال بحكمتها ألا يكون أولى؟! بلى وان هذا اللبن ليحدث في كل منهما عاطفة جديدة

الألباني : رضاع الرجل الكبير من ثدي الإمرأة الأجنبية يجوز لأن الحلمة السوداء لا تثير الشهوة عند المص

أخرج مالك في الموطأ 2 : 605 بتحقيق محمد فؤاد عبد الباقي: (عن ابن شهاب أنه سئل عن رضاع الكبير فقال: أخبرني عروة بن الزبير أن أبا حذيفة بن عتبة بن ربيعة وكان من أصحاب رسول الله (ص) وكان قد شهد بدرا - إلى أن قال - فأخذت بذلك عائشة أم المؤمنين فيمن كانت تحب أن يدخل عليها من الرجال، فكانت تأمر أختها أم كلثوم بنت أبي بكر الصديق وبنات أخيها أن يرضعن من أحبت أن يدخل عليها من الرجال وأبى سائر أزواج النبي (ص) أن يدخل عليهن بتلك الرضاعة أحد من الناس وقلن لا والله والكلام فيه شائع ذائع فكل من تعرض لرضاع الكبير من علمائهم في الفقه ذكر رأي عائشة، ولا بأس بنقل دفاع ابن حجر العسقلاني عن هذه البائقة المعيبة حينما قال في فتح الباري 9 : 149
" ورأيت بخط تاج الدين السبكي أنه رأى في تصنيف لمحمد بن خليل الأندلسي في هذه المسألة أنه توقف في أن عائشة وإن صح عنها الفتيا بذلك لكن لم يقع منها إدخال أحد من الأجانب بتلك الرضاعة، قال تاج الدين : ظاهر الأحاديث ترد عليه وليس عندي فيه قول جازم لا من قطع ولا من ظن غالب، كذا قال وفيه غفلة عما ثبت عند أبي داود في هذه القصة، فكانت عائشة تأمر بنات إخوتها وبنات أخواتها أن يرضعن من أحبت أن يدخل عليها ويراها وأن كان كبيرا خمس رضعات ثم يدخل عليها، وإسناده صحيح وهو صريح فأي ظن غالب وراء هذا؟

راجع تفسير المنار 4 : 476 تفسير آية وَأُمَّهَاتُكُمُ اللاَّتِي أَرْضَعْنَكُمْ وَأَخَوَاتُكُم مِّنَ الرَّضَاعَةِ

فتوى رضاع الكبير للدكتور عبد المهدى عبد القادر

الشخصيات التى ناقشت هذا الموضوع وكانوا ا.د/عبد المهدى عبد القادر استاذ الحديث -والباحث الاسلامى عبد الفتاح عساكر -والدكتوره امنه نصير استاذ الفلسفه والعقيده -الداعى الاسلامى خالد عبد الله.

حيث تبدا المذيعه بان فكرة هذا الموضوع قد لفت انتباهها فى احدى الجرائد تحت عنون (فتوى ارضاع زوجات رجال الاعمال للخدم حلال) وعنوان اخر (فتوى يجب على زوجات رجال الاعمال ان يرضعن الطباخ والسفرجى ليحرموا عليهن..) وان الذى افتى هذه الفتوى هو .ا.د عبد المهدى وقد عملت المذيعه على مناقشة .ا.د.عبد المهدى فى هذه الفتوى فى برنامج على احدى القنوات.وقالت ان .ا.د/عبد المهدى له عدة فتاوى اكثر اثاره فى هذا العام منها...قال فتوى عن حكم الغناء فى الاسلام فقال ان الغناء العاطفى لايجوز الا فى حالة غناء المراة لزوجها ؛وقال ايضا فتوى اشد اثاره وهى عن (رضاعة الكبير) ملخصها...ان الزوجه التى تتعامل مع غرباء ويدخلون منزلها بصفه دوريه عليها ان تقوم بارضاعهم حتى يكونوا محرمين عليها.وقد انكر الدكتور عبد المهدى هذا الكلام بانه لم يقول اى حرف منه فى الجريده وانه غير موجود فى كتابه .
وقال الدكتور عبد المهدى انه فى حديث صحيح اخرجه علماء الاسلام للامام مالك ونفس الحديث اخرجه البخارى ملخص الحديث ..هو ان الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم لما نزلت اية تحريم التبنى جاءت له سيدة وقالت له يا رسول الله ان (سالم) ابن لى بالتبنى وقد نزل القران وحرم التبنى فسالت الرسول (ص)ماذا تفعل ؟اما ان تامر زوجى بان يطرده من بيتى واما ان تتصرف انت يا رسول الله فقال لها رسول الله ارضعيه يحرم عليكى فقالت له كيف ارضعه وهو كبير ولديه لحيه فقال لها الرسول (ص)انه امر خاص فهو يعاملك كام وانت تعامليه كابن ولا يمس ثديها ولكن تحلب له اللبن من ثديها خمس مرات فى اناء فيكون ابن لها بالرضاعه ويحرم عليها ولكن قال .ا.د/عبد المهدى ان هذا الكلام ليس فى عصرنا هذا الا اذا كانت رضاعة الكبار للضروره حيث يقول.ا.د/عبد المهدى ان جاءه رجل ماتت اخته وزوجها فى حادثه وتركوا طفلا عمره 4سنوات فقد شبه الدكتور عبد المهدى هذه الحاله بحالة سالم وسهله ,ولكن قال للرجل ان ياخذ بالاحوط او الايسر.فكيف ذلك وان علماء الحديث فى كلا الفريقين قد اجمعوا على ان هذه الحاله لهذا الحديث لايمكن ان تتكرر.

ويقول المفكر الاسلامى عبد الفتاح عساكرردا على هذه الفتوى..ان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم متبع للوحى (ان اتبع الا مايوحى الى)وقال ان الرضاع المحرم كما جاء فى القران حولين لمن اراد ان يتم الرضاعه ويقول نص فى كتاب.ا.د/عبد المهدى عن حديث رضاع الكبير الذى نسبه اهل الروايه بالباطل لرسول الله (ان الحديث صحيح فى اعلى درجات الصحه ولاينكره منصف بل ان الحديث فى عين الباحثين وسام شرف على صدر مدرسة الاسلام وصوره علميه رائعه فى عالم السنه النبويه و يقول .ا.د/عبد المهدى فى كتابه هذا ان منهم من جعله عاما يشمل كل من تناول لبن سيده وهو رجل كبير والمهم ان الامه باسرها مع حديث رسول الله تؤمن به وتعمل به وان اختلف المسلك الفقهى فى استنباط الحكم من الحديث ويقول على ان هذه الصحابيه لم تتساهل فى الامر فلم تقف عند حد السؤال وانما راحت تتسال مع رسول الله حينما قالت له انه كبير واجابها النبى بانه يعرف بانه كبير فقالت له انه ذولحيه و يقول الدكتور عبدالمهدى كل ذلك وان الرسول يرخص لها ان ترضعه وبذلك تصبح اما له من الرضاع فمناقشات ومداولات الصحابيه يجيب عنها الرسول وفقهاء الامه من الصحابه والصحابيات واجيال علماء الامه يدرسون النصوص ويستنبطون مما يبين ان الحديث قد درس بكل عنايه ومحص بادق الاساليب فلا يليق بعد ذلك الا ان يحترم هذا الحديث شان كل الاحاديث وتحترم مدرسة الا سلام العلميه).هذا نص فى كتاب .ا.د/عبد المهدى.
وقال المفكر الاسلامى عبد الفتاح عساكر ان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم برىء من كل روايه تمس النساء او الرجال فالنبى صلى الله عليه وسلم متبع للوحى وليس مبتدع ,
اول من قال ان هذه الروايات غير صحيحه الكاتب الاسلامى عبدالفتاح عساكر (لماذا)؟
فى دار المحفوظات فى دار الوثائق المصريه كتاب اسمه (المخطوطات العربيه فى الخمس قرون الاولى)بخط اليد لمؤلف عراقى قال .. ان جمع المخطوطات و قال اين توجد فى مكاتب العالم وجميع كتب الحديث الموجوده بيننا مخطوطاتها لم تكتب فى عهد مؤلفيها,
وقال الكاتب عبدالفتاح ان كل ما خالف كتاب الله ليس من رسول الله وحديث رضاع الكبير بدعه
فى دين الله وجميع العقلاء من العلماء شجبوه منهم د/ محمد رافت عثمان عميد كليه الشريعه والقانون - و د/ محمود عاشور وكيل الازهر السابق- ا/ عبدالله سلامه نصر استاذ الحديث فى الجامعه العالميه فى اسلام اباد- والشيخ عبدالله بوعيد وكيل وزارة الاوقاف - د/ امنه نصير
انكروا هذة الروايات على ان الحديث غير صحيح,
ورد ا.د/ عبدالمهدى انه لا احد يستطيع ان يقول ان الحديث غير صحيح فالحديث فى اصح كتب الاسلام للبخارى الذى هو اصح الكتب بعد كتاب الله تعالى فهناك متخصصين فى علم الحديث فالحديث ياخذ من محدثيه واذا جاء احد ليس متخصص فى علم الحديث فيهرف بما لا يعرف ,ورد المفكر الاسلامى عبد الفتاح ان هناك اربعة فتاوى لعلماء اجلاء منهم الشيخ جاد الحق منكر الحديث المشهورليس بكافر فكل ما يمس رسول الله ونساء رسول الله وبنات رسول الله وجاءت به الرواية غير صحيح وانكروه .
وردت د/امنه نصير ان قضيه اثارة هذا الحديث دهشتها واغضبتها , انها حريصه كل الحرص على اننا لانقتلع من جذورنا فالامه التى تقتلع من جذورها لاحياة لها فى حين انها ضد الاغتراب فى عصر بمفرداته وحضاراته فالاسلام يحتمل ان نبنى جذرا قويا ثريا مابين الجذور التى بنيت بها كل الحضارات الاسلاميه فلدينا فى حضارتنا وفى القران وفى السنه الصحيحه لدينا ما فيها من تفسير لامور يبنى بها المجتمع ولانقف امام هذه الروايات النشاذ فى الاسلام فالرضاع معروف فى القران ان الرضاع حولين لمن اراد ان يتم الرضاعه ونحن فى حاجه لعلم الحديث وليس لروايات لاتصلح لهذا العصر ولاتصلح لبناء المجتمع .
ورد الداعى الاسلامى خالد عبد الله ..ان مسالة انكار الحديث ليس بدعه وراى انه من العبث فى وسط هذا المعترك ان ننتقى احاديث معينه وننشرها ونطعن فى السنه ونطعن فى البخارى.
ويقول .ا.د/عبد المهدى ان حديث رضاع الكبير صحيح ويعلل سبب دفاعه عن هذا الحديث وغيره لانه يوجد لديه 50 كتاب طعنوا فى اهل السنه .
رد الصحفى /صلاح عيسى انه كاى مسلم عادى ليس بدارس لعلم الحديث عندما سمع بهذا الحديث اقشعر وقال ان هذا الكلام لاينسب للرسول ولايعقل فهذا الكلام ضد الفطره وضد الذوق السليم .
وقال .ا.د/عبد المهدى ان هذا الكتاب لايعلمه وانما هو الاخطاء الظالمه ونفى انه يدرس هذا الكتاب فى اصول الدين وانه ليس كتاب منهجى ,وقال المفكر الاسلامى عبد الفتاح ان الكتاب موجود بقاعة اصول الدين المعرض الدائم للكتاب ,ولم يعترف .د/عبد المهدى بكلام من يقول ان هذا الحديث غير صحيح وقال ان هذا الحديث لم يعارض العقل فى حين اشترط المحدثين بصحة الحديث بان لايكون شاذ او معلولا فحينما صححوه وضبطوه على عقلهم وكان عقلهم مستوعبا لنصوص الاسلام من القران والسنه ولم يعترضوا على صحة الحديث .
وقال المفكر الاسلامى عبد الفتاح عساكران هذا الوباء منتشر فى بعض الدول وان مستشار الشيخ زايد عليه رحمة الله جاء لمصر وتناقش معه فى موضوع رضاع الكبير وذهب للمفتى الدكتور/نصر فريد واصل عملاق الفقه والشريعه حيث كلف وكيل كلية الشريعه والقانون فى دمنهور وعمل بحث (ان الرضاع فى الكبر لايحرم )ونشره المفكر الاسلامى عبد الفتاح عساكر على النت

الشيخ شمس الدين: 'سلفيون' يطبقون رضاعة الكبار ويبيحون للخاطب رؤية عورة خطيبته

الشيخ شمس الدين: 'سلفيون' يطبقون رضاعة الكبار ويبيحون للخاطب رؤية عورة خطيبته !
تاريخ المقال 01/09/2007
كان لفتوى أحد علماء الأزهر بشأن جواز رضاعة الكبار صدى واسع النطاق في الجزائر حيث إشتكت زوجات مؤخرا من تهديدات بالطلاق بعد رفضهن طلب أزواجهن برضاعة أصدقائهن عند استضافتهم في شهر رمضان للإفطار معهم في البيت . و قال الشيخ شمس الدين بوروبي إن الجزائر اليوم مهددة بخطر إسمه "الطائفية" بسبب ما وصفه بـ" الفتاوى المستوردة و المعلبة" بعد إباحة رؤية الخاطب لعورة مخطوبته "حتى السوأتين" و طالب بتدخل رجال الدين و الساسة ووقف الخطر "اليوم عندنا من يكتب و يعلن الحرب على الإباضية ، ماذا سيترتب عن ذلك؟ حرب أهلية ؟ الجزائر في خطر " .

إستغل العديد من الجزائريين الفتوى الذي أصدرها الدكتور عزت عطية أستاذ علم الحديث بكلية أصول الدين بجامعة الأزهر حول جواز رضاعة الكبار لإستباحة بعض الأمور تحت غطاء الدين ، و كشف الشيخ شمس الدين بوروبي في لقاء أمس بـ"الشروق اليومي " ،أنه بحكم وظيفته كمفتي و ناصح عن ورود عدة إتصالات على صلة بهذا الموضوع مؤخرا " هناك العديد من الحالات التي وصلتني حول موضوع رضاعة الكبار " لكنه يذكر ما يقول "حزت في نفسي كثيرا" و تحدث عن إتصال سيدة من العاصمة "تبكي بكاء مرا و هي تقول أن زوجها السلفي المتدين الملتزم طلب منها بمناسبة شهر رمضان المبارك أن ترضع صديقه المتدين أيضا و ذلك حتى يتمكن من قضاء شهر رمضان في بيتهم و الإفطار معهم و كانت المرأة شديدة الإنفعال و التأثر " مشيرا أن زوجها هددها بالطلاق في حال عدم تنفيذ أمره "فلتسمع الجمعيات النسوية هذا الخبر" مؤكدا أنه إكتشف عند الإستفسار منها أن زوجها جزائري ليتساءل عن "النيف " الجزائري و النخوة عندما يسمح رجل لغريب بكشف زوجته عن ثديها و رضاعته و علق على ذلك بالقول "أي إسلام محرف هذا ؟" .
و تلقى الشيخ شمس الدين إتصالا آخر من رجل أعمال و تاجر من الحميز شرق العاصمة بعد أن إنتشرت الفتوى و مارافقها من ضجة إعلامية و من جملة ما أخبره "عندي موظفة في الطابق العلوي من المحل التجاري الذي أملكه و أنا معجب بهذه الفتوى فهل يمكن أن أعمل بها فأرضع منها ؟" و أشار الشيخ شمس الدين أن هذا الرجل كان يريد "رخصة" بحجة تسهيل عمله (...) .
جدير بالذكر أن الفتوى تنص على "جواز إرضاع الموظفة لزميلها في العمل حال وجودهما معا في مكتب واحد لمنع وجودهما في خلوة شرعية لتأمين السلام والأمن والاستقرار للمسلمين الموظفين كافة و لتقوية وإثارة الوشائج العاطفية بين الموظفين بهدف تقوية لحمة النظام الاجتماعي لقائم على الإسلام الدستوري وعلى الإيمان بالقدرة الفحولية للرجل المسلم" وقد أجازت الفتوى أن" يرضع الرجل من صدر زميلته متى شاء في وقت الخلوة الوظيفية.

الطائفية على أبواب الجزائر و السلفية إنشطرت إلى 220طافة تضلل و تبدع

و يرى الشيخ شمس الدين أنه لا يمكن تقليد فتاوى غريبة و غير مؤسسة متسائلا "لنفترض أن الألباني أفتى بمثل هذه الفتوى فكيف يقلد ؟" و قدم نماذج عن فتاوى أخرى لكن لم يتم تطبيقها منها فتوى أبي حنيفة بجواز الوضوء بالنبيذ "فمن قلده؟" و يجيب :لا أحد كما أفتى الشافعي بجواز أن يتزوج الرجل بإبنته من الزنا "لكن من قلده ؟ لاأحد لأن لكل كبوة جواد .
لكن الشيخ شمس الدين في سياق عرضه لفتاوى هدامة ، أشار إلى ما قام به أحدهم مؤخرا في الجزائر عندما أفتى بأنه يجوز للخاطب أن يرى من مخطوبته أي شىء "حتى السوأتين" و أضاف " عندما أنكرت عليه ذلك لأنه يستبيح أعراض المسلمين رد علي قائلا بأنه يجوز للخاطب ذلك بحضور محرم و ليس في خلوة (..).
و يذهب الشيخ شمس الدين في نفس إتجاه وزير الشؤون الدينية عندما ينتقد الفتاوى المستوردة مؤكدا أن جزائريين ذبحوا بناء على فتوى و أحرقت المساجد بناء على فتوى و خربت مقابر بناء على فتوى و أغتيل أئمة بناء على فتوى أيضا "و إني لا أعجب لهذه الفتاوى التي تستبيح الأعراض " و إعتبر أن أخطر ما قد تصاب به أمة هو الحرب الدينية ليوجه تحذيرا من الأخذ بهذه الفتاوى "لأن الطائفية على الأبواب و السلفية إنشطرت إلى 220 طائفة و كل طائفة تضلل و تبدع و فيهم من يكفر و يضلل الشعب الجزائري " .
و شدد الشيخ شمس الدين على أن الفتاوى المستوردة " المعلبة" كان لها تأثير سلبي على الوحدة الدينية للأمة و يذهب للقول ان "الشعب أمي و لايفقه أمور دينه بعد سنوات من الإستعمار و التفتح و الإرهاب" في محاولة لتحليله أسباب الإقبال على هذه الفتاوى المدمرة ، قائلا أن الجزائر مفتوحة على جميع الإحتمالات أخطرها الطائفية "لأن الجزائري لم يتعود على الإختلاف الفكري و ماإن ظهرت ملامح فكرية حتى ظهر معها القتل و الذبح " ليرى الحل في التحرك العاجل للدعاة و الأئمة والقادة و الساسة لإنقاذ الجزائر مما وصفه الحرب الدينية.

نائلة.ب الشيخ شمس الدين: 'سلفيون' يطبقون رضاعة الكبار ويبيحون للخاطب رؤية عورة خطيبته كاريكاتير رضاعة الكبير في روزاليوسف

Global Islamic Adult Breast Feeding News Lecturer suspended after breastfeeding fatwa Breastfeeding fatwa causes stir Adult (male) Breastfeeding - "إرضاع الكبير" Breastfeeding fatwa A fatwa free-for-all in the Islamic world Fatwa: geef uw collega borstvoeding From breast feeding to urine drinking - new Egyptian fatwas are getting ever more embarrassing Is Adult Breast-feeding Against Islam?,21985,21805283-663,00.html Islamic scholar promotes adult breastfeeding Breast-Feeding Dilemma Adult breast-feeding sucks, authorities say Adult Breast-Feeding Breast-Feeding a Man in Islam Al Azhar scholar favours adult breastfeeding,20867,21803296-2703,00.html Fatwa promotes adult breastfeeding Don’t laugh, this is serious Fatwas On Urine, Breast-feeding Cause Embarrassment In Egypt Egypt: Fatwa allows breast-feeding among adults

---------- Lecturer suspended after breastfeeding fatwa

Lecturer suspended after breastfeeding fatwa

Mon May 21, 2007 5:51PM BST

CAIRO (Reuters) - Cairo's al-Azhar Islamic University on Monday suspended a lecturer who suggested that men and women work colleagues could use symbolic breastfeeding to get around a religious ban on being alone together.

The lecturer, Ezzat Atiya, had drawn on Islamic traditions which forbid sexual relations between a man and a woman who has breastfed him to suggest that symbolic breastfeeding could be a way around strict segregation of males and females.

But after controversy in the Egyptian and Middle East media, university president Ahmed el-Tayeb suspended Atiya pending an urgent investigation into his opinions, the Egyptian state news agency MENA reported.

Atiya is the head of the department which deals with sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and the university is part of the al-Azhar institute, one of the most prestigious in Sunni Islam.

Atiya's unusual opinion was widely publicised by Arabic-language satellite television channels and featured in a discussion in the Egyptian parliament.

The Dubai-based channel Al Arabiya quoted him as saying that after five breastfeedings the man and woman could be alone together without violating Islamic law and the woman could remove her headscarf to reveal her hair.

But a committee from al-Azhar said his proposal contradicted the principles of Islam and of morality.

Atiya had said he had drawn on medieval scholarship to justify his position. The opposition party newspaper al-Ahrar on Monday quoted him as saying he retracted his views because they were based on the opinions of a minority of scholars. Breastfeeding fatwa causes stir

Breastfeeding fatwa causes stir

Tuesday, 22 May 2007, 17:32 GMT 18:32 UK

One of Sunni Islam's most prestigious institutions is to discipline a cleric after he issued a decree allowing women to breastfeed their male colleagues.

Dr Izzat Atiya of Egypt's al-Azhar University said it offered a way around segregation of the sexes at work.

His fatwa stated the act would make the man symbolically related to the woman and preclude any sexual relations.

The president of al-Azhar denounced the fatwa, which Dr Atiya has since retracted, as defamatory to Islam.

According to Islamic tradition, or Hadith, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers.

'Family bond'

In his fatwa, Dr Atiya, the head of al-Azhar's Department of Hadith, said such teachings could equally apply to adults.

He said that if a woman fed a male colleague "directly from her breast" at least five times they would establish a family bond and thus be allowed to be alone together at work.

"Breast feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage," he ruled.

"A woman at work can take off the veil or reveal her hair in front of someone whom she breastfed."

The legal ruling sparked outrage throughout Egypt and the Arab world.

On Sunday, Dr Atiya retracted it, saying it had been the result of a "bad interpretation of a particular case" during the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

Egypt's minister of religious affairs, Mahmoud Zaqzouq, has called for future fatwas to "be compatible with logic and human nature". Breast-Feeding a Man in Islam

Breast-Feeding a Man in Islam

Breast-Feeding a Man in Islam

Is it acceptable in Islam for a woman to breast-feed a man then stay with him legally in one room?

The answer to this question makes the difference between true Muslims who faithfully follow the footsteps of Mohammed and the hypocrites who modify their religion to follow their desires. Allah described them as such in the Quran: Q.28: 50… they only follow their own desires, and who is more astray than one who follow his own desires…

The issue of breast-feeding men is currently a hot topic in Egypt and has been the focus of the media in many Middle Eastern countries. It all started when Dr. Izzat Attya who is the head of the department of Hadith in Al-Azhar, which is the world’s most prestigious Islamic University, issued a fatwa, or religious opinion. The fatwa declared that, it is legitimate for a working Muslim woman to breast-feed her male colleague to avoid the sin of ‘khulwa’ (staying with a stranger in one room). Similar fatwas had been issued in the past by many sheikhs in many Middle-Eastern countries, but this is the first time it comes from a high level academic of Al-Azhar.

The Problem:

Dr. Attya noticed that Muslim women frequently work with men in the same offices, with the inevitable possibility that a woman may find herself sitting alone in the same room with one or more of her male colleagues, which, in Islam, is a grave sin. Some of these women are deeply religious, but they need to work. Both the state and the society are forcing these women to sin without doing anything about it.

The erudite scholar of Al-Azhar, Dr. Attya was asked about the previous fatwas quoting a sahih (= authentic) hadith. His answer was that the quoted hadith is certainly accurate and, if necessary, a Muslim woman is allowed to follow the example set by the prophet.

We may have different opinions about Al-Azhar and the integrity or political affiliation of its staff, but there is one thing about this institute that remains beyond doubt: its sheikhs (ulama) are second to none in their knowledge about sunni Islam. All other Islamic universities in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, rely on Al-Azhar for academic support. It can be argued that Dr. Izzat Attya is probably the most learned man in the speciality the science of ahadith. He knows every nuance about the texts of the ahadith, their isnad (chain of narrators) and their degree of accuracy. When he says something about ahadith, we better believe him.
The Solution:

Dr. Attya proposed an Islamic solution that came directly from the prophet. In the early days of Islam, Muslim women faced a similar problem and the prophet fixed it immediately.

It all started when Mohammed decided to marry Zainab, the beautiful wife of Zaid, his adopted son, which was impossible under the prevailing laws of Arabia. Mohammed, however, always had under his sleeve the magical trick called the Quran. He ‘revealed’ some verses renouncing the practice of adoption as nonsense and ordered Zaid to divorce his wife, thereby clearing the way for Mohammed to marry her. The plan worked well for Mohammed but created problems for many others.

Abu Huthayfa and his wife Sahla, had an adopted son (a freed slave) called Salim, who used to work and live in the house freely. As Salim was like a son to her, Sahla used to rely on him to help in the housework. She could stay with him in the same room without having to cover herself from his looks. When Mohammed cancelled the principle of adoption, Salim became a stranger in the house and could no longer be alone with Sahla, Abu Huthayfa’s wife. The Lady complained to Mohammed who immediately provided her with a genius solution- he asked her to breast-feed Salim, after which she would again be allowed to keep him as a son with her in the house. She said: ‘but Salim is a man and has a beard!’ Mohammed smiled to her and said ‘I know that’.

Mohammed’s wife, Aysha, was very happy to hear the news because she also had problems in allowing men in her house. The new ruling came handy particularly after Mohammed’s death because Aysha needed more flexibility in meeting and talking to men about Islam. Aysha was a strong advocate of this practice; she encouraged the daughters of her sisters and the daughters of her brethren to breast-feed those men whom she (Aysha) wished to allow in her home.

Dr. Attya’s vision is that women are better off making use of this authorization given by Mohammed and breast-feed their male colleagues to avoid the sin of ‘khulwa’ (staying alone with a stranger).

The Muslims Response:

Muslims are divided about this fatwa;

Minority of them (true Muslims) completely agree with the fatwa for an obvious reason; it has a precedence in Islam that happened during the time of Mohammed. The issue of whether this is morally acceptable or not has no relevance, simply because Allah’s wish overrides man’s wish. Allah says in the Quran

Q.33:36. It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision…

Some of these Muslims attempted to soften the impact of the fatwa on the shocked Muslim community in various ways. Some expressed reservations about the way the fatwa was presented to the public while others tried to explain that breast-feeding doesn’t necessarily imply direct contact between a man and a woman. They suggested that a woman could collect her milk in a cup and offer it to a male colleague! This group of Muslims try to reform Islam in their own way, in doing so they forget that women do not always produce milk.

With anger and embarrassment, the majority of Muslims, however, reject the fatwa. They claim that Mohammed could have never allowed something like that. Needless to say this group of Muslims never heard of the above story before. I do not blame them, because, as a Muslim I myself heard of it only in my later years. Even then, I assumed the hadith was a weak one, which is why I never considered using it as a credible proof of the falsity of Islam.

But the hadith is a credible one, and has been reported by sahih books like Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah. Moreover, this hadith has been thoroughly investigated by a number of highly revered Islamic scholars like Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Hazm and Al Albani. Denying a hadith with such strength would be like denying the existence of main Islamic events like fasting and prayers.

Our Response

The Islamic establishment deliberately and consistently hide the ugly face of Islam. The majority of Muslims do not know the magnitude of Mohammed’s violations of the accepted Arabic traditions and moralities. Without much qualm, Mohammed even violated his own Islamic laws to suit his own agenda. Starting from childhood, Muslims are brainwashed to see a polished side of Islam. All of Mohammed’s atrocities, invasions, assassinations and mass murders are carefully presented as justified acts of self-defence against the enemies of Allah. Some of Mohammed’s absurdities, like the hadith above, are deliberately kept in the dark out of reach of ordinary Muslims.

Following the media and public outrage, Al-Azhar had to explain its position to Millions of Muslims and Dr. Attya was forced to withdraw his fatwa. In his statement, he said he only echoed the opinions expressed by early highly regarded Islamic scholars, but after extensive consultations with Muslim scholars, he now believed the permission to breast feed an adult was an exception given only to Abu Huthayfa’s wife to solve an exceptional problem, but not to other Muslims. The statement fails to explain what was so exceptional about Abu Huthayfa’s case and why Aysha encouraged it.

Such a U-turn relieved the Islamic community and the Arab media because, as they put it, the fatwa did not blend well with the high morality and logic known to be associated with Islam. It is laughable that Muslims find it difficult to believe that Mohammed women to breast feed men, but have no problem at all in believing him when he claimed he spent the night with Allah and all his prophets and toured the whole universe. Strange indeed is the Islamic mindset!!

References: A fatwa free-for-all in the Islamic world

CAIRO: First came the breast-feeding fatwa: It declared that the Islamic restriction on unmarried men and women being together could be lifted at work if the woman breast-fed her male colleagues five times. Then came the urine fatwa: It said that drinking the urine of the Prophet Muhammad was deemed a blessing.

For the past few weeks, the breast-feeding and urine fatwas have proved a source of national embarrassment in Egypt, not least because they were issued by representatives of the highest religious authorities in the land.

"We were very angered when we heard about the Danish cartoons concerning our Prophet," wrote Galal Amin in the newspaper Al Masry Al Yom, referring to the 2005 publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that caused an international uproar. "However, these two fatwas are harming our Islamic religion and our Prophet more than the cartoons."

For many Muslims, fatwas, or religious edicts, are the bridge between the principles of their faith and modern life. They are supposed to be issued by religious scholars who look to the Koran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad for guidance.

While the more sensational pronouncements grab attention, the bulk of the fatwas involve the routine of daily life. In Egypt alone, thousands are issued every month.

The controversy in Cairo has been more than just embarrassing. It comes at a time when religious and political leaders say there is a crisis in Islam because too many fatwas are being issued and many rely on ideology more than learning.

The complaint has been the subject of recent conferences as government-appointed arbiters of Islamic standards say the fatwa free-for-all has led to the promotion of extremism and intolerance. The conflict in Egypt served as a difficult reminder of a central challenge facing Islamic communities as they debate the true nature of the faith and how to accommodate modernity. The fatwa is the front line in the theological battle between often opposing world views. It is where interpretation meets daily life.

"It is a very critical issue for us," said Abdullah Megawer, the former head of the Fatwa Committee at Al Azhar, the centuries-old seat of Sunni Muslim learning in Egypt. "You are explaining God's message in ways that really affect people's lives."

Technically, the fatwa is nonbinding and recipients are free to shop around for a better ruling. In a faith with no central doctrinal authority, there has been an explosion of places offering fatwas, from Web sites that respond to written queries, to satellite television shows that take phone calls, to radical and terrorist organizations that set up their own fatwa committees.

"There is chaos now," Megawer said. "The problem created is confusion in thought, confusion about what is right and what is wrong religiously."

In Egypt, there are two official institutions responsible for religious interpretation. The House of Fatwa, or Dar al-Ifta, which technically falls under the Ministry of Justice, and Al Azhar. All court sentences of death must be approved by Dar al-Ifta, for example.

"These people in fact are defined as agencies of the government," said Muhammad Serag, a professor of Islamic Studies at American University in Cairo. "They are not trusted anymore."

While that view is disputed by officials from both institutions, everyone acknowledges that those who issue fatwas serve as mediators between faith and modernity and as arbiters of morality. They are supposed to consider not only religious teachings, but the circumstances of the time. The position is without parallel in the West, and it combines the role of social worker, therapist, lawyer and religious advisor.

In fact, the relationship between the Koran and a fatwa is a matter of dispute. Some Muslim scholars view the Koran's words and ideas as fixed with little room for maneuver. Others see their job as reconciling modernity with the text by gently bending the text to fit new circumstances.

A second issue is the basis for interpretation. The sayings of the Prophet, known as the hadiths, also serve as the basis for many fatwas. But those sayings, of which there are thousands, have been passed down orally and may or may not be legitimate. Some seek to limit fatwas to the written Koran, as a result.

"Brother Citizens, the Azhar Fatwa Committee welcomes the masses of citizens and announces that fatwas are free of charge and of fees." The sign hangs on the back wall of a small room that serves as a fatwa center for Egyptians looking for guidance. Tucked just inside the entrance of the historic Azhar Mosque, the center is open six days a week from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is a worn room with a soaring ceiling, tattered black couches patched up with packing tape and rickety metal kitchen chairs. Five sheiks sit on the couches and receive people.

Sheik Abdel Aziz el Naggar has been offering fatwas for 17 years as an employee of Azhar. Like other sheikhs, he rotates each month to committees that operate in each of Egypt's regional governates. Over the years, he said, the vast majority of the visitors have asked for help with their marriage. "The greatest ill in society I observe is the lack of trust and knowledge between husband and wife," he said. "A man will think masculinity is being a dictator."

Questions have been asked for generations. Should ancient statues be destroyed or preserved? Should women be allowed to drive, to work, to travel without permission of men? Can boys and girls attend school together? Is it permissible to buy insurance, to wear a sports jersey with a cross design, to shake hands with a non-Muslim, to take pictures, to view family photographs? All of this has been addressed in fatwas.

"We have to be clear what is at stake here," said Egypt's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, at a recent speech in London. "When each and every person's unqualified opinion is considered a fatwa, we lost a tool that is of the utmost importance to rein in extremism and preserve the flexibility and balance of Islamic law."

In his own role and practice, the Grand Mufti embodies many of the issues that have arisen around the fatwa practice. He has issued rulings that are deemed so progressive as to be offensive, and others that are so literal, as to be offensive.

He issued the now notorious urine fatwa in a book called Religion and Life. It was published six years ago and told the story of a woman who drank the Prophet's urine. The mufti had his book taken off the shelves, and said the controversial statement was not a fatwa but his opinion which was offered in response to a question.

He was also criticized - and praised - earlier this year when he issued a fatwa saying that it was permissible for women to have reconstructive hymen surgery before marriage to conceal that they were no longer virgins. He said that since it is impossible to tell if a man is a virgin or not, women should have the same option. But he took his opinion a step further, when he said that if a married woman had sex with another man, regretted her action and asked God for forgiveness, she should not tell her husband. The goal, he reportedly said, was to preserve the family.

The breast-feeding fatwa came in mid-May. A religious scholar who headed the department of the teachings of the Prophet at the Foundation of Religion College in Al Azhar University wrote that there were instances in the time of Prophet Muhammad when adult women breast-fed adult men in order to overcome the need for women to veil in front of men. "Breast-feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage," wrote Izat Atiyah. "A woman at work can take off the veil or reveal her hair in front of someone whom she breast-fed."

The ruling was mocked on satellite television shows around the region, and quickly condemned at home. He was suspended from his job, mocked in newspapers and within days issued a retracting saying it was a "bad interpretation of a particular case."

A fatwa free-for-all in the Islamic world

Published: June 11, 2007

By Michael Slackman Is Adult Breast-feeding Against Islam?

May 22, 2007

Egypt: Is Adult Breast-feeding Against Islam?

According to Independent Online, Asharq Alawsat, Reuters and Nine MSN, a cleric in Egypt has come under fire for making what initially seems like a bizarre suggestion.

Ezzat Atiya is a lecturer at Cairo's Al-Azhar University, the largest Sunni theological college in the world. He was suspended from his position as lecturer on Monday (May 21) after he ruled that if a man had breast-fed from a woman with whom he was not married, he would be unable to commit sexual relations with the woman in future meetings.

This fatwa (Islamic ruling), issued a fortnight previously, was suggested as a means to get around the problems which are associated with unmarried men and women being in close proximity to each other. This is known as "khalwat" and is regarded as a "sin" in Islam. In Saudi Arabia, extreme vigilance against khalwat led a 70 year old disabled woman to end up in jail in June last year, after she went unescorted into a shop where there was only the male shopkeeper present.

Ahmed el-Tayeb, president of Al-Azhar, suspended Ezzat Atiya who heads the department dealing with the "sayings of the Prophet". Al Arabiya TV quoted the imam as saying that after suckling on the breasts of a woman for five times, a man and woman could be in close proximity, and the woman could remove her headscarf to reveal her hair.

Al-Dustur, an Egyptian independent daily newspaper had initially responded to the fatwa by writing: "When you walk into a government building, you should not be shocked to find a 50-year-old civil servant suckling his colleague."

Such ludicrous methods of getting around what is in itself a ludicrous injunction (against khalwat) highlights how purist Islam can never really assimilate itself into the modern world.

Atiya had claimed that he was citing Islamic scholarship to make his fatwa. He withdrew his fatwa on Sunday (May 20) after admitting only a minority of scholars followed this tenet. He said that his fatwa was "only an opinion based on one incident".

I am no Islamic scholar, nor shall I ever be, but particularly for Sunni Muslims, there are only two collections of Hadith (collections of sayings concerning the life and deeds - sunna - of Mohammed) that are regarded as "sahih" or "authentic". These are the Hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim. And there is indeed a precedent of suckling being used as a means of quelling male desire, from the Hadith of Muslim.

Sahih Muslim, Book 8, Number 3425 states:

'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Salim, the freed slave of Abu Hadhaifa, lived with him and his family in their house. She (i. e. the daughter of Suhail came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: Salim has attained (purbety) as men attain, and he understands what they understand, and he enters our house freely, I, however, perceive that something (rankles) in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa, whereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to her: Suckle him and you would become unlawful for him, and (the rankling) which Abu Hudhaifa feels in his heart will disappear. She returned and said: So I suckled him, and what (was there) in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa disappeared.

And in the next Hadith in Book 8 of Muslim's collection:

Ibn Abu Mulaika reported that al-Qasim b. Muhammad b. Abu Bakr had narrated to him that 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Sahla bint Suhail b. 'Amr came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: Messenger of Allah, Salim (the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa) is living with us in our house, and he has attained (puberty) as men attain it and has acquired knowledge (of the sex problems) as men acquire, whereupon he said: Suckle him so that he may become unlawful (in regard to marriage) for you He (Ibn Abu Mulaika) said: I refrained from (narrating this hadith) for a year or so on account of fear. I then met al-Qasim and said to him: You narrated to me a hadith which I did not narrate (to anyone) afterwards. He said: What is that? I informed him, whereupon he said: Narrate it on my authority that 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) had narrated that to me. Egypt: Fatwa allows breast-feeding among adults

Egypt: Fatwa allows breast-feeding among adults

Al-Azhar University, one of Sunni Islam's most prestigious institutions, ordered one of its clerics Monday to face a disciplinary panel after he issued a controversial decree allowing adults to breast-feed.

Ezzat Attiya had issued a fatwa, or religious edict, saying adult men could breast-feed from female work colleagues as a way to avoid breaking Islamic rules that forbid men and women from being alone together.

In Islamic tradition, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers. It means the child could not marry the nursing woman's biological children.

Attiya - the head of Al-Azhar's Department of Hadith, or teachings of the Prophet Muhammad - insisted the same would apply with adults. He argued that if a man nursed from a co-worker, it would establish a family bond between them and allow the two to work side-by-side without raising suspicion of an illicit sexual relation.,21985,21805283-663,00.html Islamic scholar promotes adult breastfeeding

Islamic scholar promotes adult breastfeeding

By Abraham Rabinovich in Jerusalem

May 28, 2007 07:51am

A RELIGIOUS ruling by an Islamic scholar permitting women to breastfeed adults with whom they work has led to his suspension this month from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the world's leading Sunni university.

Izzat Atiyaa had issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, offering his bold suggestion as a way around the prohibition in Islamic religious law against a woman working in private premises with a man who was not her close relative. Breastfeeding, he argued, would create a familial relationship under Islamic law.

Dr Atiyaa explained to the Egyptian newspaper al-Watani al-Yawm that: "A man and a woman who are alone together are not (necessarily) having sex but this possibility exists and breastfeeding provides a solution to this problem (by) transforming the bestial relationship between two people into a religious relationship based on (religious) duties."

In Islamic tradition, breastfeeding at infancy establishes a degree of familial relationship between nurse and child even if there is no biological relationship.

Dr Atiyaa argued in his fatwa that if an adult male was nursed by a female co-worker it would likewise establish a familial bond that would permit them to work side by side without raising suspicion of illicit sex.

Teachings attributed to prophet

Dr Atiyaa headed al-Azhar University's department dealing with hadith - oral tradition, outside the Koran, attributed to the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. He said he had based his ruling on one such tradition according to which, at the Prophet's order, a man named Salem was breastfed by the wife of another disciple.

"The fact that the hadith regarding the breastfeeding of an adult is inconceivable to the mind does not make it invalid," Dr Atiyaa said, in defending his ruling. "Rejecting it is tantamount to questioning the Prophet's tradition."

Universal rejection

Nevertheless, his ruling evoked almost universal rejection among Muslim scholars and in the popular Egyptian press. Al-Azhar University formed a committee of hadith experts, who dismissed his ruling, and the university administration ordered him to publish a retraction. He complied.

However, his apology was deemed insufficient by the head of the al-Azhar Supreme Council, Sheik Muhammed Sayyid Tantawi, a widely respected figure who is the highest spiritual authority in Sunni Islam.

"There is enough chaos with all the unsupervised fatwas (published) on satellite channels," the sheik said. "We will never permit this chaos to spread to the religious establishment and to al-Azhar." Following his remarks, the university decided to suspend Dr Atiyaa, pending further investigation.

The breastfeeding fatwa moved even some conservative Muslims to attempt to draw a line between ancient tradition and modern life.

Sayyid Askar, an Egyptian politician belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and a former member of the Academy of Islamic Studies, said the hadith regarding Salem was authentic but irrelevant. Arabeyes: Breast-Feeding Dilemma

Arabeyes: Breast-Feeding Dilemma

Imagine having to breast feed your colleague at work - five times - to ensure that your relationship remains professional! This is the fatwa (religious edict) that had Arab and Muslim bloggers buzzing with excitement and anger this week.

According to news reports quoting the Associated Press:

Ezzat Attiya had issued a fatwa, or religious edict, saying adult men could breast-feed from female work colleagues as a way to avoid breaking Islamic rules that forbid men and women from being alone together.

In Islamic tradition, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers. It means the child could not marry the nursing woman’s biological children.

Attiya - the head of Al-Azhar’s Department of Hadith, or teachings of the Prophet Muhammad - insisted the same would apply with adults. He argued that if a man nursed from a co-worker, it would establish a family bond between them and allow the two to work side-by-side without raising suspicion of an illicit sexual relation.

And since such an idea amounts to sexual harassment - forget the giggles and ridicule, AP reports that Al Azhar University was quick to revoke the ruling.

Al-Azhar University, one of Sunni Islam’s most prestigious institutions, ordered one of its clerics Monday to face a disciplinary panel after he issued a controversial decree allowing adults to breast-feed.

Jokingly, Tunisian blogger Leilouta suggests that the edict would help create team building activities in the workplace. Arabeyes: Breast-Feeding Dilemma

Arabeyes: Breast-Feeding Dilemma

Thursday, May 24th, 2007 @ 14:19 UTC

by Amira Al Hussaini

Imagine having to breast feed your colleague at work - five times - to ensure that your relationship remains professional! This is the fatwa (religious edict) that had Arab and Muslim bloggers buzzing with excitement and anger this week.

According to news reports quoting the Associated Press:

Ezzat Attiya had issued a fatwa, or religious edict, saying adult men could breast-feed from female work colleagues as a way to avoid breaking Islamic rules that forbid men and women from being alone together.

In Islamic tradition, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers. It means the child could not marry the nursing woman’s biological children.

Attiya - the head of Al-Azhar’s Department of Hadith, or teachings of the Prophet Muhammad - insisted the same would apply with adults. He argued that if a man nursed from a co-worker, it would establish a family bond between them and allow the two to work side-by-side without raising suspicion of an illicit sexual relation.

And since such an idea amounts to sexual harassment - forget the giggles and ridicule, AP reports that Al Azhar University was quick to revoke the ruling.

Al-Azhar University, one of Sunni Islam’s most prestigious institutions, ordered one of its clerics Monday to face a disciplinary panel after he issued a controversial decree allowing adults to breast-feed. Adult breast-feeding sucks, authorities say

Adult breast-feeding sucks, authorities say

May 22 2007 at 07:03AM

Cairo, Egypt - Al-Azhar University, one of Sunni Islam's most prestigious institutions, ordered one of its clerics Monday to face a disciplinary panel after he issued a controversial decree allowing adults to breast-feed.

Ezzat Attiya had issued a fatwa, or religious edict, saying adult men could breast-feed from female work colleagues as a way to avoid breaking Islamic rules that forbid men and women from being alone together.

In Islamic tradition, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers. It means the child could not marry the nursing woman's biological children.

Attiya - the head of Al-Azhar's department of Hadith, or teachings of the Prophet Muhammad - insisted the same would apply with adults.

He argued that if a man nursed from a co-worker, it would establish a family bond between them and allow the two to work side-by-side without raising suspicion of an illicit sexual relation.

His fatwa raised a widespread outcry in Egypt, with religious authorities rejecting the edit and several newspapers deriding Attiya for issuing it. Several lawmakers called for Attiya to be punished.

The president of the Al Azhar University, Ahmed al-Tayeb, ordered Attiya on Monday to stand before a disciplinary tribunal and denounced the fatwa as defamatory to Islam.

Attiya had initially stood by his fatwa, but on Sunday he backtracked an apologised for the controversy. He said his fatwa was "only an opinion based on one incident".

Attiya based his fatwa on "hadith," or teaching of Muhammad. In the hadith, Mohammad reportedly told a woman to nurse a teenage boy who was not her own but whom she had raised in order to establish a family bond. But many Islamic scholars deny the hadith, saying it is not verified and should not be used.

Egyptian Religious Affairs Minister Mahmoud Zaqzouq said on Monday that fatwas "should be compatible with logic and human nature."

Strict Islamic interpretations forbid an unmarried man and woman to be alone together. But with women in the workplace, the situation is generally accepted in Egypt and much of the Muslim world.
- Sapa-AP Adult Breast-Feeding

Adult Breast-Feeding

30 May 2007 03:36 pm

Generations of straight men will love this fatwa:

Izzat Atiyaa had issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, offering his bold suggestion as a way around the prohibition in Islamic religious law against a woman working in private premises with a man who was not her close relative. Breastfeeding, he argued, would create a familial relationship under Islamic law.

Dr Atiyaa explained to the Egyptian newspaper al-Watani al-Yawm that:

"A man and a woman who are alone together are not (necessarily) having sex but this possibility exists and breastfeeding provides a solution to this problem (by) transforming the bestial relationship between two people into a religious relationship based on (religious) duties." Al Azhar scholar favours adult breastfeeding

Al Azhar scholar favours adult breastfeeding

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: A fatwa by an Islamic scholar permitting women to breastfeed adults with whom they work has led to his suspension this month from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the world’s leading Sunni university, reports The Australian.
Izzat Atiyaa had issued the fatwa as a way around the prohibition in Islamic religious law against a woman working in private premises with a man who was not her close relative, says the report in The Australian. Breastfeeding, he argued, would create a familial relationship under Islamic law.
Dr Atiyaa explained to the Egyptian newspaper al-Watani al-Yawm that: “A man and a woman who are alone together are not (necessarily) having sex but this possibility exists and breastfeeding provides a solution to this problem (by) transforming the bestial relationship between two people into a religious relationship based on (religious) duties.”
In Islamic tradition, breastfeeding at infancy establishes a degree of familial relationship between nurse and child even if there is no biological relationship. Dr Atiyaa argued in his fatwa that if an adult male was nursed by a female co-worker it would likewise establish a familial bond that would permit them to work side by side without raising suspicion of illicit sex.
Dr Atiyaa headed al-Azhar University’s department dealing with hadith. He said he had based his ruling on one such tradition according to which, at the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) order, a man named Salem was breastfed by the wife of another disciple.
“The fact that the hadith regarding the breastfeeding of an adult is inconceivable to the mind does not make it invalid,” Dr Atiyaa said, in defending his ruling. “Rejecting it is tantamount to questioning the Prophet’s (pbuh) tradition.”
Nevertheless, his ruling evoked almost universal rejection among Muslim scholars and in the popular Egyptian press. Al-Azhar University formed a committee of hadith experts, who dismissed his ruling, and the university administration ordered him to publish a retraction. He complied.
However, his apology was deemed insufficient by the head of the al-Azhar Supreme Council, Sheik Muhammed Sayyid Tantawi, a widely respected figure who is the highest spiritual authority in Sunni Islam.
“There is enough chaos with all the unsupervised fatwas (published) on satellite channels,” he said. “We will never permit this chaos to spread to the religious establishment and to al-Azhar.” Following his remarks, the university decided to suspend Dr Atiyaa, pending further investigation.,20867,21803296-2703,00.html Fatwa promotes adult breastfeeding

Fatwa promotes adult breastfeeding

A RELIGIOUS ruling by an Islamic scholar permitting women to breastfeed adults with whom they work has led to his suspension this month from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the world's leading Sunni university.

Izzat Atiyaa had issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, offering his bold suggestion as a way around the prohibition in Islamic religious law against a woman working in private premises with a man who was not her close relative. Breastfeeding, he argued, would create a familial relationship under Islamic law.

Dr Atiyaa explained to the Egyptian newspaper al-Watani al-Yawm that: "A man and a woman who are alone together are not (necessarily) having sex but this possibility exists and breastfeeding provides a solution to this problem (by) transforming the bestial relationship between two people into a religious relationship based on (religious) duties."

In Islamic tradition, breastfeeding at infancy establishes a degree of familial relationship between nurse and child even if there is no biological relationship.

Dr Atiyaa argued in his fatwa that if an adult male was nursed by a female co-worker it would likewise establish a familial bond that would permit them to work side by side without raising suspicion of illicit sex.

Dr Atiyaa headed al-Azhar University's department dealing with hadith - oral tradition, outside the Koran, attributed to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed. He said he had based his ruling on one such tradition according to which, at the Prophet's order, a man named Salem was breastfed by the wife of another disciple.

"The fact that the hadith regarding the breastfeeding of an adult is inconceivable to the mind does not make it invalid," Dr Atiyaa said, in defending his ruling. "Rejecting it is tantamount to questioning the Prophet's tradition."

Nevertheless, his ruling evoked almost universal rejection among Muslim scholars and in the popular Egyptian press. Al-Azhar University formed a committee of hadith experts, who dismissed his ruling, and the university administration ordered him to publish a retraction. He complied.

However, his apology was deemed insufficient by the head of the al-Azhar Supreme Council, Sheik Muhammed Sayyid Tantawi, a widely respected figure who is the highest spiritual authority in Sunni Islam.

"There is enough chaos with all the unsupervised fatwas (published) on satellite channels," the sheik said. "We will never permit this chaos to spread to the religious establishment and to al-Azhar." Following his remarks, the university decided to suspend Dr Atiyaa, pending further investigation.

The breastfeeding fatwa moved even some conservative Muslims to attempt to draw a line between ancient tradition and modern life.

Sayyid Askar, an Egyptian politician belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and a former member of the Academy of Islamic Studies, said the hadith regarding Salem was authentic but irrelevant. Don’t laugh, this is serious

Don’t laugh, this is serious
18th May '07 at 10:58

احتدم جدل بين علماء دين في مصر ووصل إلى البرلمان بعد فتوى لرئيس قسم الحديث بجامعة الأزهر، تبيح ‘’إرضاع الكبير’’، في وقت انتقدت صحف عدة تدريس كتاب في هذا القسم يؤكد أن الإرضاع يحلل الخلوة بين رجل وامرأة غريبة عنه في مكاتب العمل المغلقة، بحسب موقع ‘’العربية.نت’’.
الوقت - ١٨ مايو ٢٠٠٧

What that little gem above states that a brainfartist at Al-Azhar, that “islamic university” which has imprisoned Kareem due to what they categorise as blasphemous comments on his blog which scorned the greatest and last religion on Earth, has done much more to completely insult our religion - you know, the one they are sworn to protect? - by a brainfart of a fatwa (or as we say in colloquial Bahraini - and this is a literal translation of the “fart” part of the phrase: faswa) - which is supposed to help women who share offices with male colleagues. This is in the same stream of “elevating women and putting them on a pedestal” of course.

What the right dishonourable twat issued his fatwa that should a woman share an office with a male colleague, which is haram (verboten, forgetaboutit, nowayjosé, gostraighttohellanddonotpassgo), as unmarried males and females should not mix, she must be accompanied with a chaperon, or she should breast feed that adult male five times in order for their unchaperoned existence together be Islamically lawful, halal!

How about that for flexibility? Who said that Islam was a rigid religion?

Now. I would not be surprised that men all over the Muslim world standing erect while a queue of women pass by, boobs hanging out and breast feeding the line in order to protect their rights and allow them to live in a halal environment with men.

Islam - according to the respected Al-Azhar, that edifice of education and protector of our religion and spreader of blaspheming law suits, not only condones this sort of behavior, but encourages heads of departments to research and produce this sort of edict! Fatwas On Urine, Breast-feeding Cause Embarrassment In Egypt